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Evolving Healthcare: The Critical Need for Educating Pharmacists and Physicians

Imagine a world where your pharmacist not only dispenses your medication but also adjusts your prescriptions and manages your health regime.

This is not a glimpse into the distant future but the evolving reality of healthcare today. However, this evolution comes amid growing challenges. Family physicians are facing a crisis of administrative overload, feeling 'drowned' in paperwork, which diverts attention from patient care. As the roles of healthcare professionals diversify, the need for comprehensive education for both physicians and pharmacists becomes not just beneficial but essential. For pharmaceutical companies, this isn't merely a best practice; it's a strategic imperative.


Why it Matters.

The healthcare journey of a patient encompasses numerous touchpoints. Physicians diagnose and prescribe, while pharmacists are increasingly taking on roles in medication management and patient care. In this complex landscape, the well-being of patients hinges on the informed capabilities of these professionals.


Enhancing the Pharmacist's Role in Healthcare

In Canadian healthcare, for instance, pharmacists are transitioning from traditional roles to becoming integral healthcare advisors. This expansion, exemplified by their prescribing powers in certain provinces, demands in-depth pharmaceutical education to ensure quality patient care. In response to these challenges, expanding the role of pharmacists could be a game-changer. Recent findings from the Ontario College of Family Physicians underscore the urgency of this situation. Their survey reveals a looming crisis, with one in four Ontarians potentially without a family doctor by 2026. Well-educated pharmacists might take on certain administrative tasks or routine patient care, alleviating the burden on family physicians.


The Impact of Educated Pharmacists 

  1. High Consultation Rates: Surveys show 40% of Canadians consult pharmacists for health issues, a testament to their growing significance.
  2. Trust in Chronic Condition Management: Pharmacists are trusted advisors, especially for seniors managing chronic conditions, underlining the need for their comprehensive pharmaceutical knowledge.
  3. Clinical Effectiveness: Underscoring the importance of pharmacist education, studies have shown favourable disease-specific outcomes, such as in the management of hypertension and dyslipidemia, through pharmacist involvement. This speaks to the broader potential for pharmacists to enhance patient outcomes and improve healthcare system efficiencies.i
  4. Primary Healthcare Providers: The trend of pharmacists managing minor ailments places them alongside primary care providers, further emphasizing the need for robust education. 

Collaborative Healthcare: A New Paradigm

The perception of pharmacists within the healthcare system is evolving towards a collaborative model. Research supports the integration of pharmacists into primary care teams, demonstrating not only enhanced clinical outcomes but also reduced physician workload, a testament to the significant contributions pharmacists make to healthcare.ii

This shift is increasingly accepted by physicians, particularly those who view healthcare as a team effort, integrating pharmacists into patient care strategies. The urgency in family medicine access underlines the necessity for a collaborative healthcare model where pharmacists and physicians work in tandem, sharing the load for optimal patient care.


A Call to Action for Pharma Companies 

Pharmaceutical companies are central to this changing landscape. They must educate both pharmacists and physicians, ensuring they are abreast of the latest drug information and treatment protocols. Additionally, as the pharmacist's role expands, pharmaceutical companies should adapt their educational and marketing strategies to reflect these changes. 

We invite pharmaceutical companies to recognize the immense potential of educating both physicians and pharmacists. By partnering with The Rounds, they can not only fulfill their educational obligations but also gain valuable insights into the needs and challenges of these professionals. This partnership can lead to better-informed healthcare providers, improved patient outcomes, and a stronger, more collaborative healthcare system.



As healthcare evolves, so do the roles of pharmacists and physicians. The expanding scope of pharmacists' practice, supported by legislative and regulatory changes, emphasizes the need for continuous education. This expansion not only fosters interprofessional collaboration but also significantly enhances patient outcomes, making the role of pharmaceutical companies in education even more crucial. 

Pharmaceutical companies play a vital role in this evolution by ensuring these professionals are well-educated and informed. This commitment extends beyond the professionals themselves, impacting the health outcomes of patients and shaping the future of healthcare.


Connect with us at to schedule a meeting with our sales team to explore how The Rounds can elevate your physician and pharmacist engagement strategies.




i Moulton, Donalee. (2018, October 5). The role of pharmacists in improving access to health care, patient outcomes. Benefits Canada. Tannenbaum, Cara, & Tsuyuki, Ross T. (2013). The expanding scope of pharmacists’ practice: implications for physicians. CMAJ, 185(14), 1228-1232.

ii Khaira M, Mathers A, Benny Gerard N, Dolovich L. The Evolving Role and Impact of Integrating Pharmacists into Primary Care Teams: Experience from Ontario, Canada. Pharmacy (Basel). 2020 Dec 7;8(4):234. doi: 10.3390/pharmacy8040234. PMID: 33297509; PMCID: PMC7768418.